Benchmarking Resources

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LinkIt! Benchmark Overview

ELA and Math Benchmarks

an image of a document titled A high school turns adversity into advantageVIEW

ELA and Math Benchmarks
Comprehensive Overview

an image of a document titled A high school turns adversity into advantageWATCH

A LinkIt! Story

an image of a document titled A high school turns adversity into advantageVIEW

Why Benchmark?

an image of a document titled A high school turns adversity into advantageREAD

Benchmark Resources

An image of a slide from a webinar recording with the text Implementing a Successful MTSS Model at the Secondary Level

LinkIt! Benchmark Form A/Fall Analysis

An image of a slide from a webinar recording with the text Instructional Leadership Panel with High School Educational Leaders

Panel Conversation for Central Office Educational Leaders

An image of a slide from a webinar recording with the text High School Assessment and Data Collection Best Practices

Panel Conversation with Building Principals


Science Content

Dimensions of Science Data Panel Discussion Recording

an image of a document titled A high school turns adversity into advantageWATCH

Three-Dimensional Science Assessments

an image of a document titled A high school turns adversity into advantageVIEW

Implementing Best Practices in the Science Classroom Recording

an image of a document titled A high school turns adversity into advantageWATCH

Mastery Item Bank

What Our Customers Are Saying...

"Linkit's Benchmark assessments are amazing and provide incredible detail on grade level standards. The Class Diagnostic report can be used to look at the data on a granular level to really help teachers use data to drive instruction in their classroom.”

"I am so appreciative of having the LinkIt Benchmark Assessments. It is so helpful to be able to get a gauge on how our students are doing with grade level standard expectations multiple times per year. It is a helpful tool to use with parents to communicate an update on their child's performance with that year's learning targets."

"We found the benchmark assessments to be a reliable source of information that teachers could use to help differentiate their instruction and meet their students' needs. We saw a strong correlation between the benchmark scores and PSSA scores! Personally, I love the bubble sector!"




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