Data Warehousing

Collect, store, and analyze all your data sets with easy-to-use dashboards and drill-down reporting capabilities for a more holistic view of student learning

Dashboard Analytics

Single Location

Store all of your relevant instructional data, across all grade levels and subjects, in one place

Multiple Data Types

State and local assessments, benchmarks, early literacy, College & Career Readiness, attendance, grades, ELLs, G&T, SEL, PBIS, student artifacts, and more

Data Visualizations

A variety of dashboard display types (tables and charts) with configurable settings and calculation capabilities (growth, comparisons, etc.)

Summary & Detailed Reports

Disaggregate data by school, teacher, class, student, demographic (race, gender, program), question, standard, and subscore

All Stakeholders

Reports available for district/school administrators, teachers, students, and parents

Multiple Measures

Leverage multiple data sets to help make better-informed decisions, strategically group, measure growth, and triangulate achievement 

Statistical Reports

Correlate data sets, predict outcomes, measure local assessment reliability, and item-level validity

Print & Export

Save and share pdfs as well as a variety of export capabilities (Excel, CSV, TXT)

Data Insights From Our Customers...

LinkIt offers the most robust data analytics of any software on the market. It is uniquely positioned to assist in tracking student progress and helping to make decisions about all aspects of the instructional program. We use LinkIt's reporting features at a variety of levels: at the individual student level for placement decisions and RTI; at the teaching-team level for PLC work; and at the grade/cohort level to identify any gaps in the curriculum. As such, the product is significantly more robust than our previous data management and analytics solution.”

Jim Barbiere

Director of Curriculum, Instruction, & Human Resources Barnegat Township School District

“In such a short time, having LinkIt! has made a big impact already. We were able to identify specific kids for a high-impact tutoring grant so that we are fair addressing needs across the district. We were also able to dive into the NJGPA data asee how transient our population is and what impact that has on our scores. These are questions we used to ask, but didn't have accurate answers to; now we do. When we meet, we have the goal of diving into reports, looking at data and asking thoughtful questions. We are excited for what is to come in terms of learning the tool and maximizing it's potential to help us make decisions.”

Claire Keller

Director of Student Achievement
Bloomfield Public Schools

“I have a friend who’s doing the same work in another district that does not have anything like LinkIt. He’ll spend the entire month of August drawing these data graphs for his teachers. I did those same printouts for PD in September in only five minutes.”

Nicole Dilkes

School Principal and District Curriculum Supervisor
Little Falls Township School District

“I truly can't say enough about LinkIt. It's more than a data benchmarking and warehousing system. If you approach it in the right way, it can be transformative to a district. We want to promote collaboration and collaborative learning because teachers can't work in silos — we're trying to tear down those silos and say, ‘Look, we need to work together.’

Dr. Rob Dill

Assistant Superintendent

Forest Hills School District

“With LinkIt! we are all data people. Whether or not you’re an Excel guru you can manipulate a few clicks and look at student information that you can use the next day in your lesson. We’ve shown teachers the value and they’ve seen the value for themselves, which is even more important.”

Jake Neary

Instructional Technology Coach
Logan Township School District




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