Assessment Solutions

Full support for online and paper-based test administration, advanced test authoring tools, and an extensive content library of benchmark assessments, item banks, and progress monitoring tools

Assessment Creation
Test Administration & Data Collection
Assessment Content
assesstment solutions testimonials

Assessment Creation

Build from Scratch

Design high-quality assessments across all grades and subjects, collaborate with colleagues, align questions to curriculum standards and other diagnostic tags, and share assessments

Item Banks

Simplify creating tests by searching item banks by multiple criteria including standard or skill, question type, difficulty, language, and passage genre, length and complexity

Variety of Item Types

Leverage a wide range of item types to build rich, rigorous assessments that engage students using both traditional and technology-enhanced items and support tools

Digitize Assessments

Utilize your existing assessment content without having to do all the work! Let LinkIt! do the heavy lifting to migrate all of your legacy content to our platform for easy administration

Test Administration & Data Collection

Online Testing

  • All devices, operating systems, and browsers
  • Customize students’ test preferences, accommodations, access to a full suite of online testing tools, and test security options including multiple lock-down kiosk browsers
  • Convenient grading with student feedback capabilities
  • Build students' comfort level with online testing in advance of administering the state assessment

Print Testing

  • Create customizable plain-paper bubble sheets and efficiently print at the class, teacher, school, or district level
  • Flexible bubble sheet styles, supporting multiple item types, with scannable artifacts for reviewing student work
  • No special paper, hardware, or scanning software required for printing and grading bubble sheets

Data Locker

  • Replace spreadsheets with custom data entry templates to collect performance task, rubric, and observational data sets
  • Common use cases include tracking reading levels, writing rubrics, progress monitoring, uploading student artifacts, capturing SEL and PBIS, collecting teacher recommendations, etc.
  • Data is automatically color-coded based on custom differentiated performance expectations and consolidated alongside other instructional data sets 

Assessment Content

K-12 Benchmarks

  • Fall, Winter, and Spring benchmarks designed to measure end-of-year expectations and growth as well as predict student achievement on state assessments
  • K-HS ELA/Math standards aligned benchmarks immediately auto-graded with detailed analytics at the district, school, subgroup, teacher, class, student, standard, and question
  • Available in English or Spanish and online or paper/pencil administration 

Supplemental Content

  • Standards-aligned mini-assessment to efficiently progress monitor students on specific learning objectives
  • Assessment Probes and Algebra Screeners to support ongoing assessment needs in such areas as letter, number, and shape identification, sight words, grammar, vocabulary, math fact fluency, and basic and advanced math concepts
  • Released State Assessments and item banks to create authentic practice opportunities and build student confidence

Item Banks

  • Easy access to over 100,000 high-quality items aligned to state standards in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies
  • Searchable by multiple criteria including standard or skill, question type, difficulty, language, and passage genre, length, and complexity
  • Publish item banks for all or select users to search by standard, keywords, and other custom tags to create assessments

Assessment Insights From Our Customers...

“We needed some kind of assessment tool that was easy to use and correlated with the standards and our curriculum. We needed concrete information. We needed information that was at our fingertips.”

Lynn Donovan

Little Falls Township Public Schools

“LinkIt! has allowed me to do what I’ve always wanted to do, and that’s be in the classrooms. Now with LinkIt, I enjoy when we do benchmarks. I used to dread it before. I wouldn’t be able to leave my office. So it’s really allowed me to be the administrator that I wanted to be, out in the classrooms, helping our teachers and students succeed.”

Kelly Villa

Supervisor of Instructional Tech Media, and Business Jefferson Township Public Schools

I wanted to reach out and express how much I appreciate the job your Prime team has done with my assessment project over the past several months. We’ve got about 30 assessments complete as of now and I’ve asked for multiple edits on almost every one as I am trying to get them to be perfect. Your team has been able to accommodate every request and has done it very quickly. I am using the results from these assessments to drive group and individual discussions with teachers already and will continue to do so on a weekly basis. Please let your team know that they do a great job and are appreciated.”

Bobby Barber

Math and Science Supervisor
Millville Public Schools




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