Intervention Manager

An online management suite to support and enhance
your processes for MTSS/RTI, Gifted, ML/ELLs, 504 Plans, Behavior, and SEL

Intervention Management

Process and
Communication Management

  • Enhance team collaboration, improve efficiency, and foster consistency across your MTSS, RTI, 504, ELLs, and G&T processes
  • Access customizable research-based forms, templates, and targeted intervention banks or import your existing resources
  • Schedule meetings, assign tasks, send reminders, manage internal communication, and upload external documents
  • Manage parent letters and internal memos on district letterhead with mail merged fields


  • Set customizable performance criteria to auto-tier students, determine programmatic eligibility, and create balanced rosters
  • Group by cut score, percentile ranking, or custom points-based methodologies
  • Includes homogeneous grouping to focus support and heterogeneous distributions to create equitable balanced rosters and instructional groups

Intervention, Goals, Progress Monitoring

  • Create individual and group support plans
  • Set and progress monitor academic, behavior, social emotional, attendance, and other types of goals
  • Align goals, targeted interventions, and progress monitoring outcomes to measure intervention efficacy

Insights From Our Clients...

“Migrating to LinkIt’s Intervention Manager not only provided our district with a more robust platform that enabled streamlining of student data, it invited a needed philosophical shift in our practices that promotes goal setting and progress monitoring. Gone are the days of focusing on a plan and services within that plan. Through the use of LinkIt! Intervention Manager, our I&RS process has become a component within the New Jersey Tiered Systems of Support framework, where we create specific SMART goals for our students and track and monitor their growth. Essential to this process is timely, targeted, and consistent professional development for all of our stakeholders. District-wide our data practices continue to improve as a result of this adoption.”

Kathleen DeRosa

Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction
Franklin Lakes School District

“LinkIt! Intervention Manager has helped align our I&RS and NJTSS processes within our district by having standardized, electronic forms easily accessible in a platform everyone is familiar with and uses frequently. Our staff can efficiently complete Request for Assistance Forms (RFAs) electronically as well as create targeted Intervention Plans to progress monitor student achievement. Staff love features such as the student hub which allows for the triangulation of data in a one-stop shop as well as the pre-loaded SMART goals so that teachers can readily create individualized or group plans for intervention. Additionally, the LinkIt! team is always ready to answer questions immediately and provide targeted PD for staff as needed.”

Marcos Bayas

Supervisor, Student Services Department
Plainfield Public Schools




+1 (212) 242-5065

150 West 22nd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10011

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