The LinkIt! platform is an assessment management, data analytics, and intervention support solution created by a diverse team of K-12 educators, technologists, and data experts who are dedicated to improving student performance and streamlining implementation processes
Best-in-class technology solution with carefully managed implementations and a team-based model of customer support that grows with you over time
A combination of software, content, and services to make schools successful using data
Every customer is supported with a dedicated group of highly trained specialists and former educators focused on providing the highest levels of support
A combination of data storytelling and collaborative inquiry with Navigator Analytics, customizable dashboards that provide data at-a-glance monitoring, and a suite of user-friendly online reporting modules to drill down
Always refining our solution and support by listening to and incorporating educators’ feedback and wishlists
Millions of
Thousands of
One Goal: To See Every Student Grow
Sales: +1 (646) 736-0725
Support: +1 (212) 242-5065
150 West 22nd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10011
Sales: +1 207 502 3150
Support: +1 (212) 242-5065
150 West 22nd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10011
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Copyright © 2024 LinkIt!